PROCSI – Description and norms

The Partner Related Obsessive Compulsive Symptom Inventory (PROCSI)

The Partner-Related Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Inventory (PROCSI; Doron et al., 2012) is a self-report measure of obsessions (i.e., doubts and preoccupation) and compulsion (i.e., checking) relating to one’s partner’s perceived flaws in six domains: physical appearance, sociability, morality, emotional stability, intelligence and competence. Findings indicated that the PROCSI can be coded as a six-factor measure or a one global-factor measure. Participants rate the extent to which such thoughts and behaviors describe their experiences in intimate relationships on a 5-point scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (very much). All subscales, as well as the total score including all 24 items, have been shown to relate to measures of OCD symptoms, measures of anxiety, depression and stress, and relationship measures (Doron et al., 2012). The internal consistencies of the subscales in our sample (Cronbach’s alphas) ranged from .83 to .87. The internal consistency of the entire scale was .95 and the test-retest (9 weeks) reliability .77.

Helpful norms for the  PROCSI

Group Means, Standard Deviations, in Partner-Focused OC symptoms (PROCSI)

Helpful norms for the ROCI and PROCSI

Group Means, Standard Deviations, in Relationship-Centered (ROCI) and

Partner-Focused (PROCSI)












M SD   M SD   M SD
PROCSI 1.30 0.70 0.81 0.67 0.56 0.61




Important notes:

For items mean score calculation of the PROCSI:  Add scores of the 24 PROCSI items (excluding items 1,4,16 and 23) then divide by 24.

Table Notes: 1 Clients presenting with ROCD as main reason of referral; 2 Clients presenting with OCD other than ROCD as main reason of referral;3 Individuals from a large community cohort who completed the questionnaires online.

Rule of thumb: Scoring higher than 2SD above the mean of the community cohort or higher than the mean of ROCD clients (whichever is lower) warrants further clinical attention.