
Prof. Guy Doron and Dr Danny Derby offer one-day and two-days workshops for therapist dealing with ROCD. Details are given below.

Workshop: Working with patients with Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ROCD) 

Presenters: Guy Doron & Danny Derby

Relationship Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (ROCD) is a debilitating presentation of OCD centering on interpersonal relationship. ROCD symptoms include doubts regarding one’s feelings towards a relationship partner, the partner’s feelings towards oneself, and the “rightness” of the relationship experience (relationship-centered symptoms). ROCD symptoms also involves intense preoccupation with the perceived physical (e.g., nose, body proportion, hair) and character flaws (e.g., morality, intelligence) of the relationship partner (partner-focused symptoms).

ROCD symptoms have been linked with other OCD symptoms, negative affect, low self-esteem, low relationship satisfaction, attachment insecurities, and impaired sexual functioning. Further, ROCD symptoms may significantly affect both individuals of the dyad. For instance, ROCD symptoms of one partner may increase ROCD symptoms in the other partner as well as fear of infidelity and jealousy in both partners. In addition to maladaptive beliefs associated with other presentations of OCD, ROCD symptoms have been linked with specific vulnerability factors. For instance, ROCD symptoms have been associated with particular relationships catastrophic beliefs, extreme romantic beliefs, specific self-vulnerabilities and attachment insecurities.

In this workshop, we describe ROCD symptoms in its various presentations and delineate its main features. We present a model of ROCD and supporting research. We then focus on assessment and identification of idiosyncratic client-relevant maladaptive beliefs, self-perceptions and attachment representations and propose ways to challenge them.

Learning objectives

·         Identify and assess ROCD symptoms

·         Understand underlying processes involved in ROCD

·         Address and challenge general and specific ROCD maintaining processes

·         Fit therapeutic intervention to the specific ROCD client

The workshop will include a power point presentation, discussions, and role plays to promote understanding of ROCD-tailored assessment and treatment procedures and tools.

One day workshop: 3000 $ (not including airfare and accommodations).

For more information contact: [email protected]