New App for depressive symptoms

ROCD symptoms are often associated with depressive symptoms. We, therefore, now created an app to challenge beliefs underlying depressive symptoms including feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, being active, loneliness,  self-blame and more.   See links below

GGDE: Beat & Prevent Depression

GGDE iPhone GGDE Android


GGOC: A new mobile app for dealing with OCD symptoms

Following your requests for a mobile app dealing with common OCD symptoms like fear of harm, contamination, fear of sin and more, GGOC is now out in the apple store and Google Play: these are the links

On android:

On iPhone
GGOC – OCD Training App by Samuramu


Application for improving mood and self-esteem

The application Good Blocks was developed and recently updated by Prof. Guy Doron of the ROCD-RU team. This gamified application is designed to improve mood and self-esteem.